Nothing brings me joy quite like the discovery of an interesting meme that I haven't played before. I happened upon this one in my boredom today. It's called Question Of The Day, and that is a fairly good description of what it is. So, without further ado, here is today's question...
What are you going to name your winery or brewery? (or both, you can have a winery AND a brewery if you choose, you lush!)
I'm a lush and proud of it! I'm going to have a winery and a brewery and you can't stop me!
My brewery will be called The Beer Garden. I wonder, does anyone not living in the Mid Mon Valley see the humor in that name?
The name of my winery will be a bit simpler for everyone to appreciate... Would You Like Cheese With That?
Even when I'm meming, the snark cannot be contained.
Now here's one from the archives that I just couldn't resist answering...
You are sporting a brand new "I love _____" tattoo on your bicep, and the guy screwed up the love of your life's name! What does your tattoo say?
I love Klaus Mine
I knew that I should have found myself a German tattoo artist. It's M-E-I-N-E!!!