Yes, I am using this space to hamelessly promote one of the newest blogs in Blogland! Why? Because it belongs to no one other than my thirteen year old son, Michael. I've been on his case for quite some time to create one. Last night he finally took the plunge! His template still needs a bit of tweaking. We adjusted the fronts and colors and removed that ugly nav bar, that's about it. Still, he's up and running. I'm quite certain that eventually his space will be filled with interesting photos and rants, once he gets the hang of things.
Why not drop by and leave him a comment. He can be found here. Give the kid a bit of encouragement. He's got lots of ideas and pictures that are just begging to be shared, but he'll probably give up on it if he thinks that no one cares. We wouldn't want that to happen, now, would we?!