Name three songs that remind you of a car trip you have taken.
1. Light My Fire by The Doors brings back memories of a trip to Erie that my family took back in 1968. The song was playing on the radio jusy before we went to dinner at the Bonanza Pit restaurant. While we were there the restaurant caught fire and we had to be evacuated. Creepy, huh?
2. Wind Of Change by The Scorpions reminds me of the trip to my brother's house in Ohio that Andrea and I made two years ago. I only had one tape in the car and the number of times the song was heard was used as a time guage for the trip.
3. It wasn't a car trip (I really don't assocciate songs with driving or riding in cars), but Heart Of Gold by Neil Young reminds me of my trip to Spain. I remember playing it on my newly purchased guitar in a park in Sevilla. I couldn't understand why the Spaniards were giving me dirty looks. They don't like Neil, it seems. It has something to do with a song called Cortez The Killer. Never mock someone's national hero, Neil!
Name three songs that are best heard in a car.
1. Passion Rules The Game by The Scorpions is best heard in a car while headed to a casino
2. Du Bist So Schmutzig by The Scorpions is best when played loudly while driving past a pack of WWII veterans on Veteran's Day! (I'm so bad!)
3. Don't Need A Reindeer by The Moody Blues is best played in the car, loudly, in the middle of July! Time to bust out that December CD!
Name three songs with cars in the title or lyrics.
1. Fun Fun Fun - The Beach Boys "She'll have fun, fun, fun 'til her daddy takes her T-bird away..."
2. Little Red Corvette - Prince
3. Little Deuce Coupe -The Beach Boys Songs about cars are second only to songs about beaches for them.