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~Klaus Meine~

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Thursday, August 18, 2005

What Is The IQ Of Your Average FC?
(Fundamentalist Christian)

I was at my mother-in-law's house the other day, and this question has been troubling me ever since. You see, my mother-in-law is one of "them." She is a sweet lady, but (and this is a big but) she takes the whole Jesus thing a bit too far. The only music she listens to is Hymns or gospel music. The only television station she watches is WPCB, the local Christian channel. I can tolerate the music. Some of it can even be quite pleasant, but someone save me from that television station!

There are many things about this channel that trouble me. One of them is that it is always begging the viewers to send funds to support their so called ministry. They need more money to spread the word of Christ, or so they claim. Yes, the good people at Cornerstone Television need lots of money to save more souls. The major flaw in this plea is easy to spot if you've got half a brain. You see, there is virtually no one out there watching this channel who isn't already a Christian. It's not something that you would see being played on the big screen TV at the local pub! So, exactly whose souls are they planning to save? Certainly not those of their already Christian viewers...

Wise up, people! If you really want to help spread Christianity with your tax-deductible dollars, donate to the Salvation Army, Christian Children's Fund, Catholic Charities, or any one of the numerous Christian charities out thre that spread the word of Christ by good works. Actions speak louder than words. There are a lot of words being spoken on that channel, but I've yet to see any action being taken to back them up. As a matter of fact, a lot of what I've seen and heard on that station is directly in conflict with what MY concept of being a Christian is all about.

I am referring to the common practice among their evangelists (and I use that term loosely) of spreading hatred in the name of Christ! Somehow I don't think that Jesus would be pleased with this practice. Case in point, the progam my mother-in-law was watching that day. In it, a screaming preacher was giving all of the reasons that the Islamic religion was totally, 100% WRONG! I'm quite thankful that there most definitely were no Muslims watching this show because it was an embarassment! This preacher yapped on and on about the flaws of Islam, using only the Bible as a reference. This is totally flawed logic. Yes, your viewers believe that the Bible is the word of god, but the Muslims do not. If this were a debate instead of a monologue, any good Muslim could have used the words of the Koran (which he believes to be the word of God).to make the same claims against Christianity. If you want to prove your point with any degree of validity, find yourself an impartial outside source. But there is none, is there? Faith is not something that can be proven right or wrong. It comes from the heart. Leave the good Muslim people of the world alone! There is enough hatred and misunderstanding among the people of these two faiths without idiots like this man driving home an invalid point. ARGH! I just can't abide this sort of thing. It makes me sick. But the really scary thing is that there were countless people watching that program and agreeing wholeheartedly with every word spoken...

~ End of rant ~