Remember back in April when I posted about a silly Google search that landed someone at my blog? If you can't, feel free to refresh your memory here. If you check the comments, you will see that said searcher returned on May 4. It seems that he was unamused to see the witch doctors of stupidity dancing for his search. He left me a comment which originally read, "Shut your hole you fuckin' moron."
But you see, I am not the moron, he is. At least I know the difference between Axl Rose and Brett Michaels (or between Guns 'N Roses and Poison). He obviously does not! And to sign his name as Axl, what an insult to Mr. Rose!
The witch doctors are once again dancing for this moron because he is too stupid to realise that I can edit his comment...
It now reads truthfully, "I am a fuckin' moron!" as he should have posted in the first place.
I hope he returns so that he can see this. I'm sure he'll leave yet another imaginative and witty comment for me to edit. I can hardly wait...
And this is coming from the woman who said, "The hatred stops here!"