"When I get a little money I buy books; and if any is left, I buy food and clothes." ~ Desiderius Erasmus ~
1. How many books do you own (and if you're not a nerd like me and don't know the exact number, guess-timate)? I own so many books that I wouldn't know where to begin counting! They lurk all about my house, on bookshelves, tables, anywhere that there might be room for them. At least a hundred of them, probably much more!
2. Do you keep books to add to your personal library, or do you trade them/give them away? You can probably guess the answer to this from my answer to the previous question. I keep them! I am not averse to giving them to some deserving peron who will treat them kindly, but I am a pack rat.
3. If you keep books, what makes you keep them? What kind of books do you keep? Besides the fact that I am a hopeless pack rat, I never know when I might want to read a particular book again... Most of the books in my collection are either sci-fi novels or mysteries, since these are my favorite type of reading.
4. Do you have a guilty pleasure book- something you would never want to admit to reading? What?! Do you really think that I'm going to admit that I often take out one of my children's old Dr. Seuss books (they've long since outgrown them) to read for my own personal enjoyment? Never!
5. Have you ever gone without something you needed to buy a book instead? I own a signed first edition copy of William Shatner's Star Trek Memories. The purchase of that book set me back over a hundred dollars. What do you think...?