This week we'll choose one or the other of the following....
1. Bar soap or shower gel? Shower gel gives you so many more options. So many scents, so little time!
2. CDs or cassettes? So far, my car stereo has never eaten a CD.
3. Television movies or documentaries? Documentaries tend to bore me.
4. Wall calendar or desk calendar? My desk is too cluttered to hold a calendar!
5. DSL, cable, or dial-up? I'm too cheap to pay the price of the other options. Besides, with dial-up you don't have to deal with those pesky telephone salespeople!
6. Summer or winter? I hate being cold!
7. City or country? There's not enough excitement in the country.
8. Camping or staying in a hotel? Camping, Ewwwwww!
9. Gold or silver? The "Color Me Beautiful" people told me that I am a "winter", and therefore I must always wear silver.
10. Fiction or non-fiction books? Preferably science fiction novels.
11. Mashed potatoes or baked potatoes? Got mashed potatoes, ain't got no T bone... I'm having a Neil Young moment!
12. Ranch, Italian, or Catalina dressing? A difficult decision, Italian is a very close second. I don't like Catalina at all, though.
13. Solid or spray deodorant? Actually, I prefer roll-on!