I can't say I'll miss you...
After a brief relationship with the folks at Blog Explosion, I have decided to call it quits. It just wasn't good for me. You may ask why I feel this way. There are multiple reasons.
I was promised lots of new traffic by this site. I received next to none. It seems that multitudes of people there block pages with embedded sound files. Yes, I have one. I make no apologies for it. I like it. It makes a statement about me and this blog. The title of this blog is The Angel Waiting To Be Sent, the sound file is a midi of Send Me An Angel. See the relationship there? If you don't like it, you are quite capable of muting the volume on your computer. Hell, if you use a Netscape or Firefox browser, you'll never even hear it. The code that I use is readable only by IE based browsers.
I am sick of self censorship as well. It seems that the Blog Explosion people have a profanity police force patrolling member blogs. Well, fuck that! I'll use whatever words that I see fit! I like profanity, I like it a lot! Nothing expresses anger and frustration like a few well placed explitives! I desire to use them freely. Not that it matters much, no one was coming here anyway, since my sound file is so damned offensive.
Finally, there is the blog rating feature. It seems that the radical right-wing Republicans have flocked to Blog Explosion. Needless to say, my blog rating was low, just slightly above a four on a ten point scale, and falling rapidly with each post that expressed my liberal viewpoints. Really, I thought that the people using this site were adults, not a bunch of elementary schoolers bent on playing popularity games and blacklisting anyone not sharing their high and mighty opinions. Obviously I was mistaken.
Since the people there seem to hate a liberal, sound file loving person such as myself, I have decided that it is for the best that we cut all ties. I wouldn't want to offend you any more by my presence. We are all better off this way.
Once again, I say, "Good-bye, Blog Explosion. It hasn't been good..."