On Tuesday!
We Wanna Know
1. Looking back on the past week, what was your favorite moment?
That's an easy one! It would have to be having the opportunity to meet Frank Kopcyk and Malcolm Gets after Friday's performance of 1776! These two men are not only very talented, they are also both very nice fellows. You can scroll down to see my pictures with them in Saturday's post.
2. Tell us about funny moment that had you and others laughing 'til it hurt.
This one didn't seem all too funny when it happened, but we are still laughing about it in our office to this day...
I was out delivering my route as I would on any other day. What I didn't know was that one of my customers was having some mental/emotional difficlties due to his wife's death and a recent break-in at his home (two totally unrelated incidents). I soon learned of the effect that these difficulties were having on hin in a very unusual way.
I was across the road, delivering his neighbors' mail when I noticed him standing in his yard. He was holding a long, dark object in one hand and waving the other franticly. I thought that perhaps he was trying to flag me down because he had forgotten to leave some important letter in his mailbox for me to pick up, so I started to drive towards his home. When I got near enough to see him clearly, my face turned white as a sheet. The long dark object in his hand was some sort of gun, and although he was wearing a black sweatshirt, he was completely naked from the waist down! Needless to say, I got the hell out of there fast! I delivered the rest of the route in a state of semi-shock. Several customers saw me and asked what had happened. I must have told someone what had happened, since the police were called and the man was taken to get help, but I don't honestly remember much about anything until I returned to the office. The other employees took one look at my face and knew that something had happened. When asked, all I could say was, "He... wasn't... wearing... any... pants!" It took them several minutes to get the whole story from me. When I finished they were all laughing like crazy! By then it seemed pretty damned funny to me as well.
And you thought that delivering mail wasn't an interesting job!
*note* The man in question was treated and eventually recovered from his problems. He was a nice old gentleman and often came out to talk to me. Oh, but it was difficult to face him after that incident, but I don't believe that he remembered any of it.
3. What is one of your favorite childhood memories?
I suppose that I shall never forget the times when my Uncle Ray would come home from the service and stay with us.

That man used to tease the heck out of me! He was just a really big kid himself at heart. I'd often run and hide to avoid the teasing, but he always managed to find me. As I got older, I began to realize that the teasing was just his unique way of saying "I love you."
He passed away about twenty years ago as the result of a cancerous brainn tumor.(You can't tell me that Vietnam had nothing to do with that)
I only wish that I could see him just one more time to tell him how much I loved him and miss him...

4. Tell us about a time when you were traveling when things just didn't work out as planned.
Never get directions from Yahoo! You will get lost, as became evident on our recent Atlantic City trip. You see, these people fail to tell you important things, such as where you must exit a given road. They state things like, go 246 miles on I 76, but what they don't tell you is that for the first 100 or so miles, I 76 is the PA Turnpike, but for the last 46 miles you must exit the turnpike in order to remain on I 76! Need I say that this lack of information caused us to take a very roundabout way of getting to our destination, delaying our arrival by about an hour.
5. Have you ever been in the middle major storm (blizzard/tornado/hurricane/earthquake)? If yes, tell us about it.
Severe winter storms (blizzards, ice storms) are quite common in my part of the country. Being a mail carrier, I have lots of experience in being stuck quite literally in them. I shudder just thinking about it!

I hope you understand that I prefer not to talk about it!