1. Do you like your name? Why or why not? Deborah, YUCK! I hate it. My mother was so not creative.There are just too damned many women my age with that name. I would have preferred something a bit more unique. At least it means something interesting... Queen bee!
2. If you could change the spelling of your name, would you? And what might you change it to? Most people call me Debby, which as you can see, I spell a bit differently than most. It's starting to catch on a bit more with others now. I'm thinking of changing it again, to Debi!
3. If you could change your whole name, what would you change it to? Tee hee! If I were married to Matthias Jabs, people could call me "DJ"!
4. What girls' name do you like? If either of my children had been a girl, her name would have been Charlotte. Not only do I think that this is a beautiful name, it was also the name of a beloved cousin of mine who was senselessly murdered when I was but a child.
5. What boys' name do you like? My sons are named Raymond and Michael, so I suppose that I like those names. I had wanted to name my youngest son either Matthew or Matthias (this was before the Scorpions obsession), but the estranged one liked neither.