Theater Thursday
This week's Theater Thursday is dedicated to those Onscreen Moments that stay with you forever.
1. What moment from what movie still makes you laugh out loud - no matter how many times you see it?
Just about any scene from this movie will leave me in stitches.

This has to be one of the funniest movies ever made.
2. What moment from what movie still makes you cry like a baby - no matter how many times you see it?
I'm not one to cry like a baby over any movie, but there are certain scenes which will always bring a tear to my eye. Most memorable is the scene near the end of Return Of The Jedi where Darth Vader kills the emperor to save Luke. It just goes to prove one thing. Blood really is thicker than water!
3. What moment from what movie made you actually turn your head from the screen - either in fear, revulsion, or contempt for the fact that you actually paid money to see the film?
On occasion, my ever-so-insignificant other comes around to take advantage of the fact that my satellite television subscription includes HBO and Cinemax. Just about any movie that he chooses to watch is enough to make me turn my head in disgust.
BONUS~ What is one single moment from a film that is indelibly etched in your brain? Not a scene or a sequence exactly, but three or four seconds from a movie that contain an image or phrase or concept that transcends normal movies?
At the end of The Secret Window , Johnny Depp takes another ear of corn from the steaming pot...

I may never look at corn the same way again!