Brought to you by the ladies at Blogdrive Insanity!
Today is Meteorite Day commemorating the 1908 meteorite crash in Central Siberia which caused the largest explosion in recorded history. As a warm-up and in observance of Meterorite Day, using the letters E-X-P-L-O-S-I-O-N list some odd habits or quirks you have. *Note: You can use "ex" for the "x"
Eats when nervous
X-plosive temper
Plays with the dogs on her route
Lies about her age
Obsessed with Matthias Jabs
Irrational fear of heights
Opens milk cartons on the wrong end
Never owned a new car
Warmed up? Okie dokie. Don't just sit there like a bump on a log, go copy and paste the hump on your blog!
1. You have the opportunity to make a movie with your favorite star, who would the star be and what would the title and the sub-title be? Example: Richard Dreyfuss :: Jaws :: Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water
Gotta invite my sis to co-star in this one with me!
Richard Roxburgh :: Van Helsing II :: Dracula Returns With His Twin Brides
2. The lead story on the Eleven O'Clock News is about you ... what have you done?
Why I was tossing my undergarments at certain British rock stars again, of course!
3. Blue laws are absolutely ridiculous laws that are still in law books across the nation. Example: In Devon, Connecticut, it is unlawful to walk backwards after sunset. Pick something that annoys the heck out of you and write the law against it.
From this day forward, it shall be illegal to do the following in The Land Of The Morning Star (Lady Starlight's mythological home):
Create or broadcast any sort of public service announcement that has the intent of making me to change my evil ways.
4. If you were in the story Alice In Wonderland, what character would you be and why?
Alice In Wonderland?! Why not just send me straight to hell? I've always hated that story! If I've gotta be someone in it, I suppose I'd have to be the rabbit who is late for a very important date. Yep, that's me, always late...
5. If it did make a sound, what sound would your head make when you shake it?
I suppose that it would produce some sort of musical sound, like those little balls that they make for babies to roll around.
aaaaaand ... drum roll, please
Everyone had so much fun with the Guess-A-Hump last week we've decided to try it again!
Think of an item ...
...don't tell us what the item is. Now, describe that item in brief paragrah (the size, the color, etc) but don't give it away. Okay, now you're ready to hump it up. Replace the name of the item with the word "hump". Other players will come to your blog and try to guess what your hump is. If you want to make it really interactive, let people ask yes or no questions. Tomorrow morning, post the answer to your hump and for big fun add a picture.
My hump came from Germany. My hump is inside a silver case bearing a picture of a certain type of arachnid. My hump's "American cousins" became available on June 22...
Answer: ???
As per last week, leave your guesses in my comments.
I will post the answer sometime tomorrow afternoon.