Since this meme is on hiatus for the week, I thought that it might be fun to do one from the archives. This one is from June 11, 2004.
Pet Disasters!
1. What's the worst pet you've ever had? What earned it that title? Hmmmm... It's a toss up. My dog, Lady, has a bad habit of eating anything that doesn't eat her first which qualifies her for the title. I also had a hamster named Rug Rat when I was in college whose ability to escape from anything that you put her in was a real pain. Retrieving her after her escapes was always an adventure, considering the fact that pets were not allowed in the residence halls!
2. What's the worst thing one of your pets has ever done? Anyone who has been reading my blog for a while knows the answer to this one! Back in December, Lady ate a few of my Scorpions CDs. The thought of this still makes me cringe! It took me over five months to find another copy of World Wide Live , one of the discs that she damaged beyond repair.
3. My personal worst pet experience was a Rotweiler puppy with an appetite for everything!! In honor of her use the letters: B-R-O-W-N-I-E (her name) to describe a pet of yours!
I think that I shall describe Lady...
Bad dog! Red squeaky toy is one of her favorites Overly affectionate Wears a blue collar Needs to stop eating inedible objects! I love her despite her flaws. Ears! She has big pointy ears that stand straight up!