Today, exactly one week after the incredible Moody Blues show in Atlantic City, my sister and I discovered that we had achieved at least two of our allotted fifteen minutes of fame when the following was found posted on a certain Moody message board!
The bra incident:
There were a set of twin sisters at the show. The were sitting behind Cherrie and I. They were quite young (20's) and they decided to spice up the show. They tossed their bras on the stage. John looked startled at first. He tip toed around them as if they might "transmit" something if he touched them. The funny grin he had on his face was priceless! What a funny "sideshow"
The bras mentioned were, of course, ours!
Here is a photograph with each of our famous bras labeled with its owner's name.
My sister and I would like to thank the author of this post for lopping several years off our ages. Twenties indeed! I am 42, and my sister is rapidly approaching the big 3-0! Our mother is still baffled at how she managed to give birth to twins twelve and a half years apart... What is it with this twin thing, anyway? Do we really look that much alike? I suppose we must, since I recall being asked, "Are you twins?" at least four times during our vacation...
C'mon, Moody Bitch! I'm just dying to see your comments about this post, or has your humiliation over the Justin chat incident taken all of the joy away from harassing "fat ugly sluts" like us?