You’ve been offered a full college/university grant, all expenses paid, for the school and study program of your choice. You can go to any school, anywhere, and study anything you want, without a single cent out of pocket for education, materials, or cost of living. Would you take the offer? Where would you go? What would you learn? Would you pursue a course of study related to your current occupation, or would you explore something all together new? Get your pencils and notebooks, let’s go back to school.
I'd have to be a fool to pass up an offer like that! The only problem that I can see with the offer is how to pay the living expenses of my two children while I am in school. My oldest is eighteen and heading for college himself in the fall, perhaps a similar grant could be arranged for him. That would leave me only the expenses of my youngest to pay for myself. Retaining my current job would be impossible, but with my own living expense paid, I suppose a part-time job could provide what extra I would need to care for him.
What To Study And Where
Something related to my current occupation? You've got to be kidding me! I'm a mail carrier, pretty much a no brain profession. I think that my chosen course of study would have to relate to a longtime dream of mine. I've always wanted to be some sort of entertainer. Carnegie-Mellon University has an excellent performing arts program and it is fairly close to my home. I could go there without having to uproot the rest of my family.