Once again, Miss Moody Bitch has proven her lack of intelligence! She was really so foolish as to think that I didn't have her original artwork stored somewhere else for the moment when she broke or changed her link! I'm sorry, but I am just not as stupid as A S B! Really, for a woman who is going to be forty-five years old in June, she acts more like my twelve year old son. In her latest escapade, she has very nicely edited a photo of herself by stuffing a scorpion up her fat arse and scrawling across it a note claiming that it is a picture of me! You really must click here to see her latest childish attempt to mock me. It is so stupid that the witch doctors have invited some friends to dance along with them. What this madwoman fails to realize is that I grew up in a town full of some of the nastiest people that you could ever imagine. I have long ago become immune to childish insults, but experience has taught me how to dish them out with the best of them. So, I say to you, Miss Moody Bitch, keep it up! Every move that you make just proves how big a fool you really are.