1. Do you collect anything? I've collected many differnt things over the years. When I was a little girl, I collected angel figurines. Those are socked away somewhere in my parent's house. More recently I have collected porcelain dolls, mostly of little boys, and there is my more functional collection of guitars...
2. How many items do you have in your collection? I never bothered to count the long forgotten angels or the dolls, but I am proud owner of six beautiful guitars, two of which are unaccounted for at this time. Grrrr...
3. What is the most unusual piece in your collection? For the dolls the most unusual piece would have to be the angel which I made myself. For the guitars it would have to be the handmade classical that I bought while I was in Spain (one of the missing ones), but my pride and joy is my black Fender DG 16 twelve string!
and one more for good measure...
4. Is there anything you don't collect that you would like to collect? Not that I can think of offhand, but I'd love to add a few more pieces to my guitar collection, namely a twelve string Fender Stratocaster and a white Gibson 76 Explorer.