An Interesting Clause In Copyright Law Please, take note, Moody Bitches!
Here I was, surfing the web looking for pictues of pretty men, when I discovered The Johnny Depp Image Gallery. The following picture attests to the prettiness of Mr. Depp.
But what really caught my eye was this clause in the copyright notice about the photos on the site.
Copyright for images and other promotional materials are held by their respective owners and their use is allowed under the fair use clause of the Copyright Law.
What does this cause mean? It means that so long as you are not using the images for for financial gain (AKA personal use), it is perfectly legal to display them. This would also apply to the photos belonging to you and yours, Miss Moody Bitch, even if you did own actual copyright (which you don't). As for your comments about me being a slut... I enjoy every minute of it. You really should try it sometime. It beats the hell out of getting your jollies by leaving nasty comments on people's blogs and reading repeatedly how others think you're stupid!