There is nothing in the world that hurts more than having old wounds reopened... Back in September, my uncle from Texas came to visit. He stopped at my parent's house while I was working, so I didn't get to see him. Not really a problem, since there was going to be a get together at my aunt's (who I also hadn't seen in ages, and was looking forward to seeing as well) house the next day... or so I thought. But what is this?! My mom tells me that it is just going to be a small get together and I'm just not invited. I was totally pissed about this at the time, especially since others who SUPPOSEDLY weren't invited either got to go. I silently seethed as mom went on and on about what went on there for a week afterwards. I was over it now, or so I thought until I had the misfortune of answering the phone at my mom's house today. It was my aforementioned uncle. Why was I not at the get together back in September, he wanted to know. I told him that I was told that I wasn't invited. That's silly, he says, of course I was. I felt like a great big pile of shit. I left the house in tears. Gee, thanks, mom! Why didn't you just admit that YOU didn't me to go?