The world is full of oddities, some of them interesting and amusing, others just downright annoying. These are the oddities that have caught my attention today.
I've talked to a few of my friends about this one. Perhaps you have noticed this as well. It seems that the spam peddlers of the world are a bit confused. Each day when I clear out my inbox, I am destined to find several ads for products to enlarge my penis. My penis? Excuse me, I am a woman. Don't have one. Don't want one either... My male friends, on the other hand, seem to get all of the breast enlargement ads. Are we supposed to recommend these products to our significant others? Oh, I bet that would go over REALLY well!
Ethics...Management seems to have none yet they have the nerve to post a list of rules regarding the acceptance of Christmas gifts from our customers. Once again the first rule on the list states that we should not accept any cash gifts. Why? They seem to think that the general public will view this as some sort of bribe. Bribe? To do what? Do they think that people are paying us off to throw their bills in the river or something? I don't think so.
Why is it that in this age of rapid communication that it took four months for me to get my first mailing from the Guitar Center? During that four month period I missed two private sales because I didn't have the special card to get the discount. During that time period I also bought two guitars...elsewhere. I guess it's their loss, though. Perhaps they can redeem themselves. I really would like to get myself a twelve string Strat. Maybe if I get enough of those unethical cash gifts for Christmas....