Sunday, November 09, 2003
YIPPEE! There is now music on my blog. "Send Me an Angel," how appropriate. I'd been wanting to put it here for quite a while, but was just too lazy to upload the file to the host I could use to remote load it. It would be really nice to put the REAL song on here, but good old legalities prevent doing so. What a shame! Why free publicity should be illegal is beyond me. Damn the RIAA!
The ads for the guitar sites are back. It's a good thing, too, because I was running out of guitar related random words to post. I've gotta keep those ads up there. You never know when I might want to buy yet another guitar. It's an obsession. Hmmm...some sheet music would be nice. I wonder if I can get some ads for THAT up there...
Yes, I have control! Life is good.