Speaking of silly little things, Bob Anderson is pissed at me because I mentioned his name here. Like he is the only guy in the world with that name! Ha! I can think of two or three others in this area alone! It is such a shame that the little SOB doesn't have a computer. I'd really like him to know just how much I can't stand him. He thinks that computers are a waste of time and money. I feel sorry for his poor kids when they've gotta do an assignment for school. What an asshole! I think I'll mention his name again, just out of spite...Bob Anderson. What's he gonna do? Sue me? You can't get blood from a stone, you know!
One more time just for clarification purposes...
Bob Anderson in no way resembles Klaus Meine.
He does NOT look like him. He does NOT sound like him, and I am also quite certain that he shares NO personality traits with him!
There...I feel much better now!