1. How do you celebrate Valentine's Day? By hoping and praying that it ends as quickly and painlessly as possible. Valentine's Day is a farce created by the greeting card and jewelry people to increase sales. The Catholic church has declared St. Valentine to be a LEGEND. February 14 is the feast day of Sts. Cyril & Methodious, two Slovakian bishops.....
2. Name a special gift you received during Valentine's Day. Let's see... One year I went out for dinner on Valentine's Day and came home to find a water main break in front of my house! Does that count...?
3. Define Love using each letter: L.O.V.E.
L - Loyalty to someone in spite of his or her faults. O - Openeness about your deepest thoughts and feelings... V - Values the relationship more than anything else. E - Emotional bond that withstands the worst of trials...
Perhaps I expect too much from love, that is why I do not find it...