Do you like to shop? When I have enough money to meet my monthly expenses, the answer is: YES, I love to shop. When I find myself short on cash due to unexpected expenses, the answer is: NO, shopping is torture.
IF YES, answer the following:
1. What is your favorite store? Why? Kaufmann's has long been one of my favorite places to shop, especially for clothing. I've found many a treasure on the clearance racks there. Alas, Macy's has bought them out and I won't have my favorite store for much longer.
2. Do you only shop when there is something you specifically need or want or do you sometimes go shopping just for "something to do?" There is always something that I want, so....
3. Do you prefer shopping online or in stores? That depends on what it is that I am buying. I prefer to buy clothing and shoes in a store where I can try them on, but if I am shopping for music, the selection is much greater online.
4. Do you have a shopping buddy or are you perfectly content going alone? Alone or in pairs, shopping is great fun when I have the cash!
IF NO, answer the following:
1. Even though you don't like to shop, where do you find yourself shopping most often? When I'm feeling the financial pinch (when shopping is torture for me), most of it is done at Wal Mart AKA Hell!
2. Do you try to send someone else to shop for you? If so, who and why that person? Alas, I have no one to do my shopping for me in those times when it is a distasteful task...
3. Do you think shopping online is as annoying as shopping in stores? Shopping online is generally less annoying than shopping in stores, but paying can be a real pain in the ass! God help you if your mailing address is a PO box and they ship UPS or if that little verification number on the back of your credit card has worn off (as mine has).
4. Does anyone close to you encourage to go shopping with her (or him)? If so, do you feel tortured and go or just say no? Sometimes I am dragged along on shopping trips when I really don't want to go. I try my damnedest not to buy anything at these times, but it seems that these are always the times when the stores have everything that I want (when I don't have the money to pay for it)!