It's time for another list of thirteen from the queen of snark! What shall it be? Since everyone knows how much I dislike the who currently occupies The White House, I think I'll go with this...
Thirteen people who would be a better choice for president of The United States than George W. Bush
Please note that this list includes logical reasonable choices along with some really outrageous ones. Still, I think that they would all be better men (or women) for the job!
1. John Kerry - Thank goodness that I live in a "Blue State." If only there were more of them!
2. Bill Clinton - He did a damned good job while he was in office. I would have been all for him serving a third term if he were allowed.
3. Hillary Clinton - If I can't have Bill in office, his wife would be my next choice.
4. Harrison Ford - He did the job quite well in Air Force One!
5. Clint Eastwood - I can just hear him telling Osama bin Laden, "Go ahead, make my day!"
6. John Lennon - So what that he's British and dead! At least he was smart enough to know to Give Peace A Chance!
8. My grandmother - She has walked this earth for nearly 99 years. I'm certain that she knows a hell of a lot more than "monkey boy."
9. Peter Tork - Since we have a monkey in office, wouldn't it be better to have a Monkee?
10. Lynn Swan - This former Steeler great is planning to run for governor in the state of Pennsylvania. I think he should skip that and go straight for the top. But would the radical right wingers have the courage to vote for this black man who is, in fact, a republican?
11. Jesus - "Give unto Caesar that which is Caesar's, and unto God, that which is God's." At least HE understood the meaning of the seperation of church and state.
12. Sherlock Holmes - Perhaps the super-sleuth could find those weapons of mass sestruction...
13. Mickey Mouse - Like my momma told me, "When there is no decent candidate running, vote for Mickey Mouse!"