The rules are simple:
Each week a random word will be posted. Foto Pherrets are to go forth and ferret out a photo that they think suits that word! It may be one they've taken themselves or one that they've found some other way, the Foto Pherrets don't care!
Once the photo is selected it is to be posted on players' blogs with a little bit about why it was chosen. Players are asked to be creative, but most of all to HAVE FUN!
In honor of the spirit of the season, this week's word is:
I chose this photo for several reasons. The first is the great popularity of giant infatable lawn figurines that seems to have overtaken the world this holiday season. I also chose it because I have always loved the Peanuts holiday specials, and Snoopy is my all-time favorite Peanuts character. Just look at how beautifully ol' Snoopy has decorated his doghouse/sopwith camel for the holidays!
Sorry, Snoopy. As much as I love you, I'm afraid I'll be rooting for The Red Baron! You see, he was quite beautiful, and most of all HUMAN!