A Christmas Meme
I happened upon this meme on Melisa Sue's blog and thought I'd have a go at it...
1) Egg Nog or Hot Chocolate?
Hot chocolate if I'm driving, egg nog if I'm not!
2) Does Santa wrap presents or just sit them under the tree?
Santa is a very busy man. He doesn't have time to wrap presents. He puts them in great big gift bags, one for each person.
3) Colored lights on tree/outside or white?
I like lots of pretty colored lights on my house and tree.
I've shown you my tree. This is my house...

4) Do you hang a mistletoe?
Hang it?! I've been known to wear it on my head! Anything for free kisses!
5) When do you put decorations up?
On a good year, I start decorating sometime during the first week of December.
6) Your favorite holiday dish (excluding dessert)?
Egg noodles served with ground walnuts are my favorite Christmas Eve dish. If there is a special name for this dish I do not know it.
7) Favorite Holiday memory as a child?
Getting the Suzy Homemaker oven that I wanted so badly, even though I had been told that I couldn't have one.
8) When or how did you learn the truth about Santa? Honestly?
When I was about 10 years old, I discovered all of my Christmas presents hidden in my parents' closet. I faked belief that year because I felt bad about snooping. Christmas was never the same after that...
9) Do you open any gifts up on Christmas Eve?
Absolutely not!
10) What kind of cookies does Santa get?
Santa has to stay up all night on Christmas Eve, delivering presents. As a mail carrier, I can sympatise with him. Santa gets coffee and doughnuts from me!
11) Snow, love it or dread it?
Let me put it this way:
Let it snow,
Let it snow,
12) Can you ice skate?
I don't know. I've never tried.
13) Do you remember you favorite gift?
I've received so many beautifil gifts over the years, I could never remember a single one of them as my favorite.
14) What is the most important thing about the holidays for you?
Lest we all forget, Christmas is not about Santa, or presents, or decorations. It is about CHRIST and his gift of love to the world.
15) What is your favorite holiday dessert?
All of them!
16) What is your favorite holdiay tradition?
Our family has always had a very special meal on Christmas Eve. The Christmas candle is lit. We say grace, share the "oplatki" (Christmas wafer), toast each other with wine, and dine on a fine meal which usually features chicken and seafood.
17) What tops your tree?
This year there is a star atop my tree. In years past this place has been held by angels, Santas, and other assorted sparkly toppers.
18) Which do you prefer, giving or receiving?
A little of both.
19) What is your Favorite Christmas Carol?
Stille Nacht AKA Silent Night
20) Candy Canes, yuck or yum?
