Rules of the game: Post five weird and random facts about yourself, then at the end list the names of five people who are next in line to do this. Don't forget to leave a them comment that saying "You are tagged" in their blogs and tell them to read yours!
1. I have two sons. I never wanted to have any daughters. When I was pregnant with my second child, people would drive me crazy by saying, "Oh, you're trying for a little girl this time, right?" I was NOT! As a matter of fact I told my doctor during both of my prgnancies that if the baby was a girl I was going to make her put it back!
2. Touch one of my guitars without first asking my permission and you will find yourself in the emergency room of the local hospital nursing several broken fingers! I just hate it when people think that they can just pick them up and start playing with them. Even Matthias Jabs would be subject to this pet peeve of mine!
3. I have a collection of porcelain baby dolls. They are all boys. Girl dolls are so ordinary...
4. You can use my nose to predict winter weather! Seriously, I have some sort of freaky allergy that acts up every time that a snow storm is brewing.
5. I am not allowed to make the coffee at work. I like what some people call "army coffee," you know, the kind that is strong enough to stand up in the cup and salute. They, unfortunately do not. Oh, well, I didn't want to brew coffee for them anyway!
And now it's time for me to name the next five victims:
Kjersti, Russ, Elena, Sweet Rosie, and Khushrenada13.