Just some random thoughts on a typical manic Monday...
It really sucks to find out that someone has passed away by seeing a piece of mail that is addressed to her estate. This happened to me again today. I shouldn't be so upset by it. She was quite ill, and had been in a home for a while. Still I kept hoping that she would get well enough to come back home someday. It was not to be. She was a lovely lady and I will miss her. I had myself a good cry when I got to her mailbox today. At least I can console myself with the fact that she has rejoined her dear husband in heaven.
Something a bit more cheerful now. Lost car keys are easily replaced. YAY! All that I had to do was present my owners card at a local Chevy dealership and they made me two brand spanking new keys that work like a dream. I can flush that horrid spare key that barely works now...
Well, maybe that's not such a good idea. The toilet is already having issues. (You really don't want to know!)
I wonder if they'll let me rent a U-Haul to carry the extra mail that I'm going to have tomorrow. The high school and one of the businesses on my route have both been closed and not taking delivery since last Wednesday. They've literally got boxes upon boxes of mail waiting to be delivered tomorrow!
Why is it that all of my frantic walking about the city of Pittsburgh yesterday afternoon did not leave me with sore feet? Instead my back and shoulders ache. It must be stress related...