Yesterday was "Black Friday" as it is called by postal and retail workers everywhere. It marks the beginning of that most dreaded season of the year for us... CHRISTMAS!
The season opened with the usual bang for me. When I got to work yesterday morning, I was greeted by what appeared to be an impenetrable fortress of mail! Catalogs, sale ads, and all manners of seasonal mailings were stacked several feet high all around my work area. I wondered if I would ever get it all sorted and delivered. To make matters worse, the radio was on and playing dreadful Christmas music. ARRGH! Sea lion...erm...Celine Dion, you get my point. I thought that my head would explode! Somehow I made it through, and through the experience I learned that my MP3 player is going to be my constant companion at work during the ensuing holiday season.
Today was day one with my new companion. As soon as I could hear the *cough* joyous strains of Christmas melodies, I slapped on my headphones and was transported blissfully into Scorpionland! Scorpionland is my very happy place. Anyone who tries to contact me while I am there, including my boss and co-workers will find me In Trance, quite literally! (If you don't understand this reference, click the link and download the song)
Still, I suppose that I can't go through the holiday season without listening to any Christmas music, so I went off to WalMart and bought myself two delightful new CDs of Christmas snark! Rudy, The Redneck Reindeer and Humbug! Christmas Songs For The Scrooge In Your Life are now residing on my computer. What a hoot! If I've gotta do the Christmas music thing, I'm gonna do it my way! If you're all good little boys and girls, maybe I'll share some of them with you...