Ah, yes, the eternal question, Why? I ask this about so many things each day that I have decided to list some of my favorite whys here...
Why do I continue playing NeoPets? I am disgusted by all of the censorship and petty rules that have been added to the site since I first started playing over four years ago. I always say that I'm not going back any more, but I keep returning. Could It be because I own pets named MatthiasJabs and KlausMeine and cannot bear the thought of abandoning them?
Why is it that with the beautiful weather we've had all summer, the road constuction crews have waited until mid - September to begin all of their major projects in this area?
Why does the USPS promote dimwitted idiots to management positions? Case in point, our current OIC. This freak, who has earned himself the nickname Skippy for reasons unknown, was promoted after a mere ten months of employment as a city carrier. Damn it, he was in freaking junior high school when I was hired. No one has offered ME any promotions. Perhaps it is because I know how to do my job! Oh, well, at least I don't pick my nose. He does. I caught him at it the other day. Ewwww! Gross! Grow up, little boy!
Why do the manufacturers of women's clothing offer nearly every short dress in a petite size, but never the long ones? This makes absolutely no sense. It really doesn't matter if my mini skirt is a bit longer, but a longer dress not designed for a petite woman will drag on the floor! Someone, please, put me on the rack!
Why are there not more men in the world who look like this?
I just had to find a way to fit my favorite Hump Day Hunk in here with my rants!