Last night's trip to PNC Park, my very first one, was a great introduction to the new stadium for me. Thanks to this I was able to see the field up close and personal.
This is the sports equivalent of a backstage pass! We had them because our family was selected to throw out an honorary first pitch. Speaking of which, here is Michael in action...
Ain't he adorable?!
As we were walking back to our seats afterwards, we nearly walked right into some players as they made their way out to the field. I was so startled by this that the thought of snapping a photo of them didn't even cross my mind! I'll say one thing about the Pittsburgh Pirates. They may not be top notch ball players (in fact the team has one of the worst records in the National league), but they sure are pretty! They played a good game, but lost in the eleventh inning. Oh, well, I wasn't really expecting them to win anyway.
But wait! We didn't leave the stadium yet. Liast night was fireworks night.