My major rant for today is directed at the idiots from Pen DOT, Pennsylvania Department of Transportation for those of you not from around here. If you are from around here, beware! They gave "the estranged one" his license back. Stay off the roads and sidewalks. You'll be safer that way.
Damn, this means I have to give him back his car.
I'm really going to miss it.
But what really scares me are his tales of the mistakes he made on the test. These are things that would have caused a sixteen year old new driver to fail, but they passed him! Someone up there must really like him.
All I have to say is that when he zones out while driving and kills somebody, I don't know him...
My next rant is directed at the fine folks at Blogger. It was very nice of them to offer us free image hosting for our blogs. It's just a crying shame that most of the time it isn't working. And, good God, when it is they attach all sorts of crap to the html codes. A simple IMG tag would be sufficient!
Let's see if it is working now. If it is, you'll be seeing fireworks...
Wow! It worked, but only after the second try...
I guess that's enough ranting for now. I'm tired. But I'm sure there was at least one more thing I needed to rant about. I can't remember what it was. Oh, well, maybe tomorrow...