A Little Reply
I received this comment today and felt the need to reply openly...
Good God! I never ever thought I'd see some American blog with Scorps! Well... I'm nicely surprised, especially to see Pawel Maciwoda's picture in the archive. I'm just wonderin' where are James Kottak's pics?
Sorry to bother you, cheers!
Well, that's what it said after the Grammar Nazi cleaned up Ozzie from Poland's grammatical errors. No offense intended (yet), Oz. I'm quite certain that if I tried to post something in a language other than my native English, my grammar would be just as bad.
As for the issue at hand, here is my reply:
So, you're surprised that an American would be a Scorps fan... Is it any wonder? The band's management totally ignores the US fans. Last year's so called US leg of the Unbreakable Tour never came east of the Mississippi! The last concert the band played in my neck of the woods was three years ago (and I wasn't able to get tickets, bummer!). To top it all off, they weren't even the headline act for that show (I can't remember who was)! As for airplay, the only songs that get played over here are the old ones from the 80's, despite the fact that most of their new music is even better than the old. Does this tick me off? You betcha! The band's fan base in this country would be much broader if they got the exposure that an established band of their caliber deserves...
About Pawel...

When I first saw him, I wasn't certain that I'd like him. I adored Ralph.

But in time, something about him endeared him to me. Perhaps it was his fascination with aliens, I don't know. But you see, this is my blog, NOT a Scorpions site. This is a place where I share my thoughts, feelings, and whatever with my family, friends and random strangers like you. In short, it's about ME! I am admittedly obsessed with The Scorpions, therefore you will see a lot of pictures of them here. I think that Pawel is a cutie pie, so I enjoy posting an occasional photo of him (which ANYONE may right click, save, upload to his server, and share with the world, no need to ask my permission. That's why it's there!).
As for James Kottak, I have the utmost respect for him as a musician. He's one of the best damned drummers around. In addition to his work with the Scorps, his work on the Wild Horses' new album really shines. I do not, however, enjoy looking at him. He bleaches his hair far too much (and doesn't keep up with the roots) and a lot of the time he looks like a freaking girl! Since this is MY blog, not a fan site, you won't be finding many pictures of him here. MY life, MY blog, MY decision!
And now for the part where the offense IS intended. You left me a link to your blog. Well, la-de-da! It's in Polish and I don't know a single word of that language. That is a nice picture of the Scorpions that you had in one of your posts, though. It's such a shame that you're a selfish bastard who blocks right clicking. Wait! I use Internet Explorer, I don't need to right click! I guess you didn't know about that nifty feature on the IE 6 browser that gives you the option to save ANY photo on the internet to your computer simply by hovering your cursor above it. Screw you! Your picture is now living on my hard drive, sans your permission. If you didn't want to SHARE it, you should have had it published in a book and not posted it online.
Live and learn.
~ 'Nuff said ~