I'm In Love With Matthias Jabs
Why this statement? Well, it seems that I'm being discussed. Following is a snippet of the discussion, complete with all of the author's misspellings and grammatical errors:
Sandra11 - Ania thank you for the link. Pics of Matthias are really cool.I read letter for Matthias...this girl is in love with Matthias,lol
Ania - I think she is more then inlove with him lol. If you click on the various archives there are loads of pictures of Matthias and the gang. I am glad you guys like the link.
Well, I am glad that you guys like the link, too. What I am not glad of is that you seem to make light of my feelings. Was that "lol" really necessary? Whatever gave you the idea that I was in love with him, anyway? Oh, wait, could it be the three little words that I had for Matthias in my "weird letter?"
Ich liebe dich!
Yes, you dimwits, that means "I love you!" I'm not ashamed of it. Why should I be? He is the most beautiful man I've ever seen.

I won't dicuss anything else about my feelings, because you will probably just laugh. I wonder, did you think that I would never happen upon your little thread on that message board? Have you never heard of web tracking devices? I know who visits here. I know where you link from and I know your IP addresses! Now, don't you feel a bit foolish? Wouldn't you too be just a tiny bit curious if you discovered a link to your personal web journal on the-scorpions.com (That's how the link shows up on my tracking device.)? You would be. I thought so...
And while I'm ranting at you little twits, I'd like to tell you that you misread my letter. It doesn't bother me that he is married. I'm a grown woman, not some little teeny bopper. I have no expectations that Matthias is going to come and sweep me off my feet. What upset me is that after claiming to dislike liars, he was not honest about the fact that he is married. In my experience, and believe me, I've had plenty, there is only one reason for doing this....
And yet I still "love" him. There are advantages to this "non-relationship" that I do not expect you to understand (for both of us, tee hee!). Unlike "the estranged one", or all of the other men I've had the misfortune of loving in the past (No, I will NOT give you a list!), Matthias can never really hurt me. I, in turn can never hurt him, either. So, you see, both of our hearts are safe.
Now go off and laugh at someone else, or laugh at me some more. I don't really care. I've probably ticked you off. I don't care about that either. People like you are the reason that I choose not to hang out with other fans. My feelings are my property. I'm entitled to them. Please don't make light of them.
~ End of rant ~