Brought to you by the ladies at Blogdrive Insanity!
June is National Mortician's Month. Wheeeee! No, wait ... Ewwww! So, because we're insane, instead of a mortician related warm up we're going to instead honor National Drive Safe Month. Yaaay! Using the letters L-I-C-E-N-S-E reveal some unusual things about your driving habits or your vehicle or what you do in your vehicle besides drive or ... well, you get the point. On to the hump!
Likes to play loud music in the car.
Idling for long periods of time (such as at traffic lights) is annoying!
Cusses when others drive like idiots.
Eats lunch in the postal vehicle when working.
Never runs over wild animals if they can be avoided.
Seat is all the way forward for the shrimp!
E is where the needle usually is on the gas guage!
This week a little getting to know you craziness.
1. You are a ride at a theme park. What are you and why?
I am a rollercoaster because my moods go up and down very quickly.
2. You are an inanimate object and you have the same capabilities as a mood ring. What are you and how do you operate? Example: Mood Pen: The ink changes color depending on what the mood is.
I am mood paint. When applied to walls, I will change colors with the moods of the occupants of the room.
3. You own the most unusual store in the world where you sell a product that's never been sold before - it could be anything from instant serenity to personality enhancers to holy drinking water that absolves your sins (that's no joke folks, it really exists). What is the name of your store, what do you sell and do you have a selling catch phrase?
My store is called The Dieter's Dream!
In it I sell a powder, which when sprinkled on food, removes all of the food's calories. This product is so incredibly in demand that I don't need a catch phrase to sell it!
4. Describe an item of clothing that has definitely seen better days but that you refuse to dispose of and still wear. Why won't you toss it?
I have a black satin night gown with a matching robe that I positively love. The robe is still in good condition, but the straps on the night gown are beginning to come off at the seams. As long as I wear the robe over it, this cannot be seen. The set is very pretty and comfortable. I refuse to get rid of it until it completely falls apart.
5. Going on the belief that "It's the little things that count." what is some little thing that might seem insignificant to others that recently made you smile or gave you a really happy feeling?
On the last day that I worked before starting my vacation, one of my customers left an envelope in his mailbox for me. It contained some coupons for items that I use and a note that said that he would be thinking of me while I was away and that he hoped I had a great time.
How sweet!