I never cease to be amazed by the odd searches that uncover this page. Some of them make perfect sense, while others leave me baffled. Still others leave me wondering about the mental state of the searcher. For example, why on earth would anyone be searching for Vinter in Vonderland (yes, spelled that way)?! Someone did! Also, there are those who run an ordinary search for "pictures of Matthias Jabs." Why not just run an image search for him? It is much more productive and you get to see a thumbnail of the image before you go scrolling through vast quantities of webpages. But the ultimate ridiculous search to uncover this page is this one! "Is Matthias Jabs nice?" Isn't that just a bit too subjective to get any accurate results? I mean, if you ask a certain person named Susane, she'd probably tell you that he's the biggest sonofabitch to ever walk the face of the earth, whereas Klaus Meine or Rudolf Schenker would probably say he's an overall good guy. What exactly does "nice" mean, anyway? Do you want to know if he goes to church on Sunday and donates to charity? I couldn't tell you. All that I know is that he's got a really nice ass (and a few other nice parts as well). Isn't that all that matters?