In the thirteen months that I have had this dog, she has done many things to prove that in her beats a heart that is pure EVIL. For all of the things that she has done in the past, I have forgiven her. This summer when she chewed apart all of my cute strappy little sandals as quickly as I could purchase them, I forgave her. When she somehow got my favorite hair brush and chewed it to pieces, I once again offered forgiveness. When she devoured a bag of my favorite potato chips which were stored on an upper pantry shelf before I even opened them, I blamed the cats for getting them down for her and was not angry with her at all. Even last week when she took several tubes of my favorite lipstick and one of my favorite eyeshadows from the bathroom and chewed them up, I was only slightly upset. I buy that stuff at the dollar store. It's cheap and easily replaced. But what that BITCH did today is just unforgivable!
I had just returned home from grocery shopping. The lights in the kitchen were out. But even in that darkened room I could see the omen of impending doom...a CD on the floor. My son flicks on the light. The cases in which I stored my CDs are strewn about the floor, chewed to bits. CD's are scattered everywhere. I discover disc 2 of Deadly Sting with a large bite taken out of it. ARRRGH!!Half of a thirty dollar double disc set in ruin! But the destruction did not end there...OH, NO! Worldwide Live has been badly scratched. It no longer plays properly. Ray has a CD repair kit...I pray that it can be fixed, but it's pretty bad. I don't think that it is likely. Wait...I just realized that I have not yet found Savage Amusement! I pray that I have it stored elsewhere as I had a few of my others. I suppose that I should be thankful that the other discs in the cases survived fairly unscathed and that the two most difficult ones to replace were not among the titles I had stored in them. Acoustica and Eye II Eye were safely inside my CD player at the time.
I will not kill my dog...
But I am sorely tempted!