Here is the problem...
My car is out of commission. I don't have enough to get it fixed if there anything other than what I think is wrong with it. I have another car stashed away in the garage, but I positively hate it! Anyway, I promised it to my son when he gets his liscense. Car or guitar? Such decisions pain me so! Maybe I'll be lucky and it won't be too expensive to fix the car. Ha! Fat chance of that! If it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all.
Update on the Missing Guitars:
The key suspect in their disappearance claims that they must have been stolen from the garage since it has no lock. Yeah, right. That garage is a mess. Were someone to break in to it, I would probably find his dead rotting carcass in there! Also, if what my suspect claims is true, I feel that he should be responsible for replacing my missing guitars. He is the one who lost all of the keys to the locks and never replaced the locks after he removed them! Oooo...I HATE HIM!!!
Random Words for Today:
Rudolf Schenker, Germany, Jabocaster...