1. Where you live, what kind of weather (or weather-related tragedy) do you fear the most? Freezing rain... Blizzards... As a mail carrier with a mounted (driving) route, this type of weather terrifies me.
2. What kind of weather do you MOST enjoy? Warm (high 70s/low 80s) sunny days. Honestly, isn't that the kind of weather that everyone enjoys?
3. What kind of weather do you LEAST like to drive in? Ice and snow... Alas, my job requires that I must drive in it, like it or not.
4. What is the scariest weather-related experience you've had in your lifetime? Getting stuck in a snow drift on a fairly deserted road, back in the days before we all had cell phones. I had to wait in the cold for someone to come along to help me. I thought that I was going to be stuck there FOREVER!