1. A high-paying job (with great benefits and minimal actual effort) at krappe hours ... take it or leave it? Obviously, I would take it as this pretty well describes my Current employment, at least for most of the year...
2. Do you have a "one that got away" in your past romantic life? I have several, doesn't everybody? The one I regret losing the most is named Brian...or wait... maybe it's Stephan...
3. What is one job you would never take, no matter how much they paid you? I would never take any job that would require me to harm an animal...
4. What behaviour is completely unacceptable in someone you're dating? Physical abuse, try it and it will be reciprocated!
5. Have you ever dated a co-worker? No, but I have fantasized about it... Still being married kinda got in the way of me actually doing it!
6. Have you ever been sexually harrassed, witnessed someone get sexually harrassed, or had a friend be sexually harrassed in the workplace? No, but I'm a highly tolerant person. I have put up with some things that others might consider to be harassment.
7. The opposite of #3 ... aside from being paid to loaf around and relax on a beach somewhere (or your lazy activity of choice), what's your dream job? Being a musical partner and life partner to Michael Schenker.
8. My new boss was totally shitty to me this week "on principle," and even snapped at me quite bitchily; my colleagues were horrified. You have the support of your colleagues, but not your boss ... you love your job - what do you do? I'd go with with what I believed to be right. He/she may be the boss, but there is strength in numbers so long as I could count on my colleagues' support.