Today is a national holiday here in the U. S., President's Day, a day set aside to honor our great leaders, past and... erm... present. I won't go into the many ways which this disgusts me, considering our nation's current leadership. I've gone that road before, and all it got me was nasty comments from radical, right-wing Republicans! Our nation has had some very great leaders, some even in recent years, men like Bill Clinton (forget his sex life, assholes! The man was a terrific president.), Jimmy Carter, and , dare I say it, Ronald Reagan. These men I honor, monkey-boy, I do not!
The more significant meaning of the holiday for me is the supposed day off with pay that I get for it. True, I did get to stay home and still collect my daily wage today, but consider this...
Tomorrow morning I will go to work early to better deal with the massive volume of mail which will be waiting for delivery. I will not be compensated for this, since I am a salaried employee. I will most likely work at least an hour more than my route's daily evaluation, due to the fact that I will be trying to do not just two, but three days worth of work in but one day (mail processed on Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday). Once again I will receive no compensation for this, excepting for the huge headache that I will have before the day is through. I will be one nasty, cranky-assed, bitch for what is left of the day, even more so than usual.
So, was that paid holiday worth it? I don't fucking hardly think so!