My weeklong reprieve from the postal hell-hole ends tomorrow morning, thanks to the fact that my superiors are too freaking lazy to hire me the sub that our contract requires them to have for me. Their excuse is that they can't find anyone willing to fill the position due to my lack of a scheduled lay-off day. That's a total pile of They know it. I know it. But because they drag their feet until the hiring list is nearly depleted, there is nothing that I can do.
I could have used the extra two days off that being able to take a full week off would have afforded me. As usual, I accomplished very little besides catching up on my sleep and doing a few extra loads of laundry.No trip to the mall... No new chapter to the Scorp-fic...I did remember to email my friend a few times, though.
I'm hoping that I finish work at a reasonable time tomorrow. I might still be able to make that trip to the mall. I have a $10 coupon for Hot Topic that expires. I want to use it. A Foamy t-shirt perhaps, or some other odd item which I might find there. In short, something to cheer me from the vast depression caused by having to go to work.
Why couldn't I have been born independently wealthy....?