A Note Of Thanks 'Cos even Moody Bitches need a little love sometime...
Dear AMdyBluFan,
I don't believe that I have ever stopped to thank you for the many wonderful things that you have done for me. I have been so blinded by the hatred that you spew in your comments that I failed to see that you were, in fact, helping me to grow in many ways. I didn't realise how by doing this you helped me keep my wits sharp. Thinking of replies to your spewing is a real challenge. I thank you for the inspiration!
But you have also given me so much more. In your attempts to humiliate me in front of others you led me to discover that for every nasty, mean-spirited person in the world there are even more who are kind, understanding and loving. This was something that I had long forgotten. For this reminder, I thank you!
Through your persistence in visiting my blog day after day you have shown me that someone out there really does give a damn about what I have to say (even though you may not like it). So, I say, "thank-you for caring!"
In all of my life I may never understand what motivates you to be so hateful, but I suppose it is your right. This is a free country, after all. And so, to your hatred I offer thanks and love, for through it you have taught me to truly appreciate my friends, family, and others who love me.