It's officially the holiday season. Time to shop and be shopped for. So in the spirit of the busiest time of the year, the mambo will be about musical gifts.
1. What album do you want the most for the holiday? Topping my list of most wanted albums this Christmas is The Scorpions Crazy World, since I just managed to obtain a copy of Pure Instinct. I'd really like to complete my collection, so Live Bites and Best Of Rockers And Ballads are also on my most wanted list.
2. Are you buying any of your friends or family music for Christmas? What are you buying for them? Ray usually asks for at least one CD for Christmas every year. I don't imagine that this year will be an exception. The same is true for Mike. They haven't told me which ones they want yet, but I'm certain that they will.
3. What was the best musical gift you ever received? (Doesn't have to be for the holiday season) I got my very first guitar as a gift one year for Christmas. That was oh so many years ago that I can't remember exactly when it was. I think that I was in Junior High. It doesn't really matter when I got it though, it was the best musical Christmas gift ever!
4. Are there any holiday concerts you want to attend? No, but there is one that I definitely don't want to attend, my son Mike's holiday chorus concert. Between the freaky parental units of the other chorus members and the imbicilic chorus teacher, I cannot decide which makes me more annoyed.
5. Other than CDs what music or music related gifts are on your wishlist? I'd love it if someone could get me that white Gibson 76 Explorer that I dream about. The price is down to a mere $999 at Musician's Friend.
Or, if you really love me, you could get me this...
Look! He even comes equipped with one of those white Explorers!
6. Do you keep a wishlist at Amazon or any other site for your musical wants? Unless you count the wish lists that I keep here, no.
From all of us musical mamboers here at BDI have a wonderful week! And shop til you drop!